Friday, November 6, 2009

Brain washed to every American business men

From the first day an American become a business man. They were taught one simple rule, always borrow. No matter how much money you have, still borrow more to gain more money. Most of them know they are trying boil a cold egg in an extremely hot water, to gamble how long it will take before it crack, letting the egg white spill all over the pot. For example if a business contract offers that they will buy 1000 inventory for $500 each and will buy more if you got any. An American is taught to use the inventory at hand to satisfy the request then borrow as much as they can to gain even more money. Many people may think that why take that kind of gamble? The truth is when the egg is drop into the hot water it will not crack instantly. People know as long as everyone else is also fuelling the fire, there will be nothing to fear. They will loan and mortgage as much as possible hoping they will gain as much money before the egg cracks polluting all the water around it.

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